client testimonials


Within the first session of working together, I started to feel more positive and inspired to get the work done. I was working towards a very defined goal and I felt as though it was achievable and something that I could actually do.

On completion of our sessions, I felt, not only had I achieved what I set out to do but had gone over and above what I believed I was capable of. I felt totally inspired and excited about my goal. My demotivation no longer existed, my barriers, blocks and procrastination slowly fell away and I’ve been getting the work done.

I would highly recommend Sonya’s services to other people, trying to overcome barriers, blocks and procrastination, who need to believe in their true value and just get on with it.

Her demeanor and outlook are incredibly positive, and she makes you feel totally safe and at ease in her presence.

Sonya helped me to overcome some of my fears around the coaching course. With her support I was able to not only reframe my goal around the completion of the course but also feel so much better about the workload and my “why” Why was I doing this course, why had I decided to invest time and money and why had I decided to change careers to become a coach.


I was at a low ebb when I started working with Sonya. I had recently lost my job of 8 years, which severely dented my confidence and self esteem. I honestly felt that I would never find another job, or have the motivation and energy to prepare for interviews for a senior level position.

From the outset it was clear that Sonya really understood how I was feeling. She listened without judgement, and by the end of the first session I already felt far more positive.

Thanks to Sonya, I have got my mojo back! With her support I was able to recognise and build upon my strengths, and also recognise and work on patterns of behaviour that were holding me back.

Sonya supported me through the whole process of finding and applying for jobs, and I was amazed to find that I enjoyed the process and saw interviews as opportunities to shine! I now have a new job and I'm loving every minute. Sonya has helped me to achieve an effective work/life balance, and to establish effective boundaries at work, which has made a real difference to my family and I.

Sonya - thank you for everything!


I was preparing for an operation and I wanted to be in my best physical condition prior to this. Sonya helped me with setting realistic SMART goals and provided exceptional support. She helped me realign my distractions and excuses, allowing us to focus on organising goals and setting realistic and empowering targets. Thank you for helping me see more clearly.


My coaching sessions with Sonya extremely valuable. She helped me establish clear goals, provided clarity, and enabled me to see things more objectively. I always left our sessions with a clear action plan, and her attentive listening made me feel comfortable and heard. I felt enthusiastic about moving forward and achieving my goals after each session.


I was struggling with time management and trying to do too many things at once. Sonya helped me realise the implications of this approach and guided me to prioritise effectively. Thanks to coaching, I now focus on what truly matters and have made progress in building my business. Sonya gave me her undivided attention and challenged me when I needed it. I'm grateful for her support.

Pivot Point

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