Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about Coaching?

Here you’ll find answers to some of the questions that people often ask me. If you feel like you didn’t find the answer you were looking for, feel free to contact me for more information. I’m always happy to hear from people who are interested in coaching.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a tool that is used to empower individuals and help them reach their goals; it is a structured conversation between the Coach and the Client. During a coaching session, I will walk by your side to help you to reach your ultimate goal and aspirations. I will listen to you, ask questions, find out what your challenges are and inspire you to reach that end goal.

What is the difference between coaching and counselling?

Counselling concentrates on the person's past and deals with healing emotional pain. It is therefore geared towards understanding and resolving the past. Thereby, helping someone move forward and be able to reach their individual potential in life.

As your coach I will focus on the present and the future. Although its important to talk about previous events and how they have influenced you, I will support and guide you to rediscover and bring that light and excitement back into your life every day. We work on an action orientated approach to help you make real change in your life.

How do your coaching sessions work?

All our sessions will be conducted via Zoom in pre-arranged appointments. Each session with me lasts 60 minutes on a weekly or fortnightly basis.

Is coaching confidential?

Coaching is a confidential relationship. All information that is shared with me is strictly confidential, EXCEPT in those situations where such confidentiality would violate the law or could jeopardise the safety of the client or others.

I'm ready to PIVOT.

How do I start coaching with you?

Book a complimentary

30-minute discovery call

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